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Newport Family Trees

My Family Tree - This is the overall family tree that shows all the lines and ancestors that I have been able to find and of whom I am aware. I am still doing research wherever I can, but the "brick walls" are still there; I need a breakthrough and can't find any!

George & Matilda Martha Newport (née Natt) – my 1 x Great Grandparents

John & Sarah Newport (née Spicer) – my 2 x Great Grandparents

John & Ann Newport (née Paye) – my 3 x Great Grandparents

John & Susannah Newport (née Brookes) – my 4 x Great grandparents

John & Elizabeth Newport (née Browning) – my 5 x Great Grandparents

The Newport Family Tree, at the top of the list, shows only the main ancestors but I have added several individual family trees, which include siblings of those ancestors, and in some cases who they married, and their children. Over the years, I produced many more of these indivdual trees and hope to add these to this website, later.

The "Newport Family Tree" is, of course, not finished but is, I believe, correct - and there is always the hope that one of the "brickwalls" may come tumbling down and I can add a few more generations to that tree!

Where do I fit in? My grandparents had twelve children and my father, Cuthbert John Victor Newport, was the third to be born, almost at the end of the 19th century - in 1898.

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