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Feltham Reminiscences

All the following are distant memories of my time as a child, in Feltham. Nothing spectacular happened, nothing, really, note-worthy, but these memories are here for the benefit of my children, grandchildren, and, perhaps, future great-grandchildren. This website won't always be here but I intend to make copies on DVD (or whatever is the latest media, at the time!) for passing all the information on, in the hope, and belief, that a descendant will, one day, be pleased to be able to read about me and my time. If only my ancestors had been as considerate!

The "Reminiscenses" are in no particular order but, just, in the order in which I felt like writing them - well, it is my website, after all!

The Allotments

A Foggy Day in "Minimax Alley"

The Gravel Pits

The Air Raid Shelter

The Day we left Feltham

Or, you can go on to Madeley

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