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Click on any date and a link will take you directly to the page which has been added or altered.

Date Title Modification
16-09-2012 Life in the Village - Interview - Donald H. Newport and Ethel M. Newport Complete section added
06-11-2012 Mr Thomas Betton′s Charity Complete section added
02-11-2012 Hooe Football Club Complete section added
07-10-2012 The Marsh Road, the Gypsies, & the Stopping-up of Barnhorn Lane. Complete section added
07-11-2012 Dangerous bend near Parsonage Lane. Complete section added
08-11-2012 Miscellaneous reports of the Clerk to the Parish Council - April 1940. Complete section added
09-11-2012 Post Office Directory - 1866 Description of Village completed and list of inhabitants added
17-11-2012 Life as a Child in Hooe during the Reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) Complete section, plus "pdf" added
21-11-2012 The (Maidstone) Bus Service Complete section added
14-12-2012 The Tithe "Riot" of 1932 and the Burning of the Effigy of Lord St. Audries. Cpmplete section added

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