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The information on the following web pages came from many sources over a lengthy period of time (about twenty-five years!) but very little has been taken verbatim from any particular website, book, or document (other than my grandfather's books); rather each section has been put together by reading, understanding, transcribing, and rephrasing to suit my requirements for this project.

Letters, newspaper cuttings, and other documents were copied by hand for many reasons but mainly because of the difficulty in getting a good, readable image of a very old document.

Where it was necessary to use a photocopy, take a photograph, reproduce articles, stories, or reports of events, in their original format, permission was requested and, in all cases, given (if it hadn't been it wouldn't be here). There are, however, several people and organisations that have been very helpful to me and the help I wish to acknowledge here.

Inevitably, any document on history will contain names of people, especially, as in this case, the history of a village. I have tried, and, hopefully, managed, to avoid mentioning any person who might still be alive or who was mentioned in documents available to the general public, such as newspaper articles.

At the moment, this list is nowhere near complete but I am adding to it and will add to it as soon as I can.

The following are, therefore, just a few of the people and organisations, of more recent years, without whose help this project would have been, at best, almost impossible and at worst, totally impossible.

There are many, many other people who, over the past twenty-five years, helped in some small yet important way but, unfortunately, far too many to list here, even if I could remember all their names.

If your name isn't on my list and you think it should be, just send your details on the back of a twenty pound note and I'll see what I can do - only joking!

Concerning the Two World Wars

Great War Forum (http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/)
Commonwealth War Graves Commission (http://www.cwgc.org/)
National Archives of Australia (http://www.naa.gov.au)
Library & Archives Canada (http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca)
"The Long, Long, Trail" (http://www.1914-1918.net/)
Digger History (http://www.diggerhistory.info/)
"First AIF Order of Battle 1914-1918" (http://www.unsw.adfa.edu.au/~rmallett/index.html)

Concerning My Family History

Canterbury Cathedral Library
East Sussex Record Office (Lewes)
FreeBMD - (http://www.freebmd.org.uk/)
International Genealogical Index – "IGI" (http://www.familysearch.org)
Harold Gough, of Herne in Kent. Stanley Newport, of Gloucester - a member of the other branch of Kent Newports! His letters were so full on interest and information and he was so often inevitably right that I stopped checking anything he said!

Concerning the Histories of Hooe

John James Newport (my grandfather), for without his "Records of Hooe, Battle, Sussex." and "An Illustrated Historical and Descriptive Account of Hooe Church, Sussex", I would never have got the idea of putting anything in writing.
My late Uncle Don who, unbeknownst to me had, safely kept in his possession, many, if not all, of my grandfather′s old scrapbooks, notebooks and sketches; these he leant to me and, from a family historian′s point of view, what a gold-mine they were!

East Sussex Record Office (Lewes) where I found so many of JJN′s official correspondence - as Clerk to the Parish Council and many others.
The reference section of Bexhill Library where I found so many old newspapers.
The "Bexhill Chronicle", which went out of publication in 1930 but whose reporting of the First World War gave me so much information.
The "Bexhill Observer" where I found a wealth of local information, mainly after 1930.

People & Other Sources

My wife Maureen, who must be first because of her encouragement and patience - and who I have known for — good grief! — is it THAT long?!

Peter Hayward, of Hooe, whose family connections in the village go way back and who sent me so many postcards and photographs of Hooe (and names!) that I don′t know how to thank him. His help with the parish registers saved me a great deal of time and trouble.

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