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WW1 & Hooe – The Volunteers


Before I go any further, the link below will take you to a list of some of the volunteers - those whose personal story has been relatively easy for me to research and, obviously, where there has been information avaiable.

I'd like to have written something about each volunteer but, because of the number involved, that's far from possible - however, if someone reading this has information on a man that hasn't been included, I'd be pleased to add that man's name, and his details, to this section.

There are some stories that I am still working on, and will be for some time to come, because the research takes a great deal time - and then there's the writing, the checking, and the re-checking. Perhaps, the greatest difficulty is not knowing, with any certainty, whether I have all the information necessary to ensure an accurate account or that I've got all that I am going to get.

001 - Some Volunteer Stories


After Britain declared war on Germany, on 4th August 1914, many men, all over the country volunteered to serve in the forces and the Bexhill Chronicle began to list the names of those men from the area who joined up. The list, however, only gave the mens names; no other details.

It was in the 19th September 1914 edition that the first Hooe men were actually identified, by name.

The article, under the heading of "HOOE", reads:

Two more Hooe men have joined the Army (Mr. Claude Lowthers Battalion), C. Luck and F. Sargent.

On the 26th September, the newspaper reported that, "We have already given a list of the men who have volunteered from Hooe." I searched the earlier issues but couldn′t find any list mentioning men from Hooe so assumed that they must have meant the one published on 4th August. The article went on: –

Additional names include the following A. Golding, F. Penfold, J. Parks, A. Button, H. Rodgers, N. Parks, A. Honeysett, W. Button, and J. Keen

There was a much longer list, under the heading, PATRIOTIC HOOE, in the 10th October issue, and this time it gives more information on which units they joined : –

Appended is a list of those who are serving their King and Country at this most ??? time:– A. Baker, C. Vitler, H. Jones, Expeditionary Force; A. Vitler, W. Noakes, Navy; W. Sargent, Yeomanry; E. Elphick. E. Munn. L, Munn, A. Sinden, W. Lewis, W. Vitler, A. Pocock, H. Jones, Royal Field Artillery, Sittingbourne; W. Plester, R.A.M.C.; C. Luck, E. Hollis, F. Sargent, W. Picknell, Kitcheners Army.

On 7th November 1914, the following article appeared in the Chronicle: –


All our boys of the 6th Sussex Battery, R. F. A., have spent a brief time with their friends, here, prior to leaving for foreign service. Their relatives and many friends wish them a safe voyage and a safe and speedy return, and we are sure they will do their duty manfully wherever they are. Our thoughts and prayers are constantly with all the forces who are serving their King and country at home and abroad.

The following week, on 14th November, the Bexhill Chronicle published the snippet below:

Mr. C. J. V. Newport, son of Mr. J. J. Newport, of the Church School, a few days ago joined the London Battalion of the Welsh Fusiliers, although he is only sixteen years of age.

So, my father had joined the war! I wonder what his parents, my grandparents, thought of it anyway, Im glad he survived the war, as, if he hadnt, Id have to have found something else to write about!

1914 December 26th - In the Bexhill Chronicle, issued on this day, the newspaper included, under a heading of "From Our Villages", pictures of men who were serving in the forces or had been killed in action and among these were several men from Hooe so those sheets I photocopied. Unfortunately, the quality of a picture in a 1914 newspaper was not too good in the first place, and, after being filmed and then photocopied, no one could expect an improvement but I was pleased with the result. Though I touched up the area around the picture, I didnt touch, in any way, the image of the man, as I would have most likely changed his features.

The worst picture was that of Charles Vitler and there wasn′t much I could do about it, I′m afraid, so I apologise to any descendants and hope they dont mind too much; I would have done better if I could have.

To see the pictures, on a single pdf document, please click HERE - you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader

On 30th January 1915, the newspaper printed another list of men as follows: –

The following men from Hooe have recently joined his Majestys forces, in addition to those already named: T. Vitler; E. Plester, and R. Pocock (Royal Sussex Regiment).

Also, in the same edition of the paper and in the same column, is an article on the condition of the men of the 6th Battery of the Royal Field Artillery, who were stationed abroad but had sent letters home. My father, C. Newport was included.

Letters from our boys, members of the 6th Sussex Battery, R. F. A., now stationed at Ferozepore, India, testify that all are well and happy. E. Munn and W. Lewis have been promoted to the rank of corporal. Two medals or bars are warded each member; one for being the first R. F. A. Territorials to go on foreign service. Four of our young men have lately joined the Army: I. Cox (A.S.C., now in France), C. Newport (Welsh Fusiliers), R. Pocock and F. Plester (3rd Royal Sussex).

1915 March 13th An interesting snippet of news was published, though it mentioned no names.

Hooe was visited on Sunday afternoon by the Bexhill Volunteer Training Corps, which had made it the objective of a route march. The Corps presented a creditable appearance, and the villagers were greatly pleased at seeing so smart a body of men getting fit.

1915 May 29th.The Bexhill Chronicle, on 29th May 1915, under the heading Roll of Honour, gave the following list of some of those who had already volunteered and the branch of the service in which they were enrolled.

Roll of Honour

Those enlisted from Hooe include: -

Charles Vitler1st Life Guards
Arthur Baker15th Hussars
Joseph CoxA. S. C. (Army Service Corps)
Arthur HaywardCanadian Regiment (killed at Hill 60)
Frank Pocock2nd Royal Sussex
William Plezter, Reginald Pocock, Frank Plezter,5th Royal Sussex
Sergeant William Vitler, Albert Sinden, Harry Jones, Frank Sheather, Ernest Munn, William Lewis, Albert Pocock, Ernest Elphick6th Sussex Battery, R. F. A. (Royal Field Artillery)
Frank Vitler, James Cozens, Horace JonesR.F.A
Arthur Vitler, William Noakes, Isaac Miller (killed in action);Royal Navy
Nugent WestonEngineers
Cuthbert NewportWelsh Fusiliers
Reginald PontSussex Yeomanry
Sergeant C. Luck, Frank Sargent11th Sussex
Alfred HaywardArtists' Battalion

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