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010 - Bereavements from the Newspapers

In collecting from old copies of the "Bexhill Observer" and "Bexhill Chronicle", virtually, every piece of information relating to Hooe, I, obviously, picked up many reports of deaths and funerals.

Most of these reports give the names of the bereaved and the mourners, which, yet again, from the point of view of a family historian, is a treasure trove!

I would have liked to have put the actual cuttings online but the quality of the report taken from a scanned image, of the photocopy, of the film, of the original old, faded newspaper sheet (I hope you get my point!), in most cases left much to be desired!

I have many, many more such reports awaiting transcription and these will be added as soon as possible.

Once again, the reports are shown as a "pdf" file, so the software program, "Adobe Reader, will be necessary.

There is one report that I found in an 1891 copy of the "Sussex Express"; it's that of the death of a James Freeman, a Labourer, on "Holmes Farm" - this LINK will take you to that report.
(UPDATE: my father clearly linked this to something but I cannot find the file, so have removed it for now)

Click HERE to view the reports

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