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Copyright 2024


This section is not, nor was it ever intended to be, a factual, text-book, history of the governance of the village; it came about, purely, because, in my researching my grandfather's life, in Hooe, I came across a great deal of documentation concerned with the day-to-day running of the village - and didn't, really, know what to do with it! It, just, didn't fit into any of the sections, on my website, that I had, up to that time, created.

At first, the documentation was all newspaper cuttings, about refuse collection, paper salvage, water quality, and churchyard matters, from my grandfather's scrapbooks; then I found a great deal of correspondence - old letters, hand-written and typed by him, when carrying out his duties as, among many others, Parish Clerk, and Clerk to the Parochial Church Council.

Eventually, I came upon Hooe$apos;s Settlement Certificates, Removal Orders, Overseers Accounts, Land Transactions, and the maintenance of Hooe's roads, all of which I copied, purely out of interest and a love of history. Having found these documents, however, I couldn't, just, close them up, go home, and forget that they had ever existed; I needed to collect them, like any collector: but, then, what to do with them? Well, at that time I was producing my website and it was obvious that they must go on it, it was part of the village's history, so I created the section on 'Administration'. It is, however, just a collection of facts and figures.

There is a vast amount of documentation to be written up, from my notes, for the website and I will add them as soon as I can but it's a slow process!

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