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Hooe in the Domesday Book – The Abbot

THE ABBOT was, in fact, the second Abbot of Battle Abbey, a man named Gausbert. The Abbey had become quite wealthy with the lands given to it by the King and by others who had been persuaded to do so.

William, the duke of Normandy, upon seeing the large army of Harold lined up before him, made a vow that if God gave him victory he would have a monastery built upon the very place of that battle. William′s vow was overheard by a monk from the French town of Marmoutier and, when the war was won, this monk reminded William of his promise to God and persuaded him to keep his vow.

After many arguments over the design and the construction, the Abbey was almost completed by the year 1076 and the first Abbot elected was a monk by the name of Robert Blancard. Unfortunately for Robert, upon returning to Marmoutier, for some reason not given, he drowned.

Gausbert, another monk, was elected to replace Blancard, and it was he who the Domesday Book refers to.