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Researching this section often caused me to stop and think about how things in England have changed. While, in the days gone by, everyday life was far from perfect, somehow, we seem to have lost the best of what we/they had and have replaced it with nothing of any real value.

I read about Hooe Fair, the playing of marbles around the tumulus, dances with a local band, whist drives organised in aid of something or other, Club day, and many other events that the local people organised for themselves and took part in. There seemed to be a myriad of excuses for the villagers to have a festival, a celebration, or a "treat".

They organised their own football and cricket clubs, with the teams comprised of all local lads. They joined together to get a village band started and saw it reach the top at Crystal Palace - and it still plays, today, at the "Red Lion" pub!

With no National Health Service, they clubbed together to raise money, in many ways, to help the local hospitals and the St. John's Ambulance Brigade.

Anyway, things have changed everywhere in the country so I suppose it had to happen to Hooe but, perhaps, in the future, things may be different. From what I read on the Internet, it seems steps are being made, in Hooe, to bring back some of that spirit. I hope so.

The Web Pages in this Section

On each of the following web pages, I have repeated, as a minimum, that written by my grandfather in his book, "The Records of Hooe". This is because I hope, one day, I will find more information or, more importantly, someone from the village who reads website may be able to add to what has been written.

Again, I hope so.

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