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Millers of Hooe

Over the centuries, there were many millers who owned or operated the mill at Hooe; some lived at Hooe, some at Ninfield and some from other nearby villages.

The following is a list of the millers and the rough dates on which it is known that they owned or were employed at Hooe mill. The dates are rough because the records seldom give an accurate date when the miller took on the ownership or the job. There are gaps in the dates that would suggest that the mill was either not in operation or the miller was someone not on the list and, perhaps, not recorded.

Where more is known about a miller than just his name, there's a hyperlink (in blue) to a separate page where that information will be found but I am still researching all millers and will add anything that I find as time goes on.

The mill was, finally, demolished in 1899.

YearMiller YearMiller YearMiller
1670Nicholas Barnes 1705Thomas Duke 1833Walter Wrenn
1678John Tampkin 1709Richard Miller 1841Walter Wrenn
1679Richard Colman 1710Will Gibson 1848Thomas Beeching
1685John Dean 1732James Blackman 1851Stephen Goldsmith
1690John Colman 1806William Wrenn 1855Richard Pope
1691Stephen Doust 1811Mrs Wrenn (Widow) N.K.James Cuthbert
1692Thomas Dengate 1818William Waters 1871Stephen Cuthbert
1694Thomas Young 1828Thomas Badcock 1890Hugh (Harry) Simmons
1700William Connoy 1830William Wrenn 1896Stephen Cuthbert

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